Projeto de padronização da comunicação na administração educacional com base em tecnologia e sistema de informação


Ano: 2015

Tipo: Dissertação

Agência fin.: Sem agência definida

Grau: Mestrado

Disciplina: Automação

Universidade (IES): UNICAMP

Faculdade/Departamento: Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação

Programa: Mestrado em Engenharia Elétrica

Fonte de dados: UNICAMP DSpace

Autor: Azevedo, Viviane Ramalho de

Orientador: Gilmar Barreto

Assunto: Comunicacao,Informacao,Sistema de informacao,Tecnologia da informacao,Comunication,Information,Information system,Information technologies

Resumo: Resumo: Considera-se que o fluxo de informações gerado pela criação de requisições, diariamente presente nas secretarias acadêmicas de instituições de ensino, pode sofrer uma série de deturpações até que o problema seja resolvido e o retorno seja dado ao seu criador. Há, então, a necessidade do con-trole regular do fluxo de informação para que a comunicação seja padronizada, assim como o re-torno dado aos criadores da requisição. Este trabalho apresenta uma pesquisa sobre tecnologias da informação, mais especificamente um sistema de informação, que possa agilizar e padronizar a comunicação interna gerada pela criação de requisições. Esta comunicação acontece entre mem-bros da equipe diretiva de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior pública, a Fatec ¿ Faculdade de Tecnologia de Bragança Paulista (Fatec-BP), que foi a base para esta pesquisa. Realizou-se um levantamento das necessidades e objetivos impostos ao sistema, seguido da busca e análise de ferramentas tecnológicas que mais se adequassem às necessidades da instituição. O resultado da pesquisa apontou 7 tecnologias que possuíam atributos importantes para o atendimento do contro-le de informações. Essas tecnologias foram divididas em 3 tipos de softwares: open source, pro-prietários e ferramentas de desenvolvimento. Seguiu-se então, para a análise dos dados. Uma ta-bela comparativa foi elaborada com base em 18 características elencadas de acordo com as neces-sidades da instituição. Na categoria open source, o software OTRS atendeu 13 características, na categoria proprietário, o software Maestro atendeu 14 e na categoria ferramentas de desenvolvi-mento, houve um empate, pois essas ferramentas auxiliam no desenvolvimento personalizado e podem criar sistemas que atendam todas as características. O sistema escolhido foi o OTRS, pri-meiramente por se tratar de uma tecnologia baseada na licença GNU OpenSource, eliminando a necessidade de custos com a sua utilização e, ainda, por estar disponível para criação de requisi-ções na língua portuguesa. Ele atendeu bem o fluxo de informação imposto pela criação de requi-sições, permitiu o controle da comunicação, a verificação do histórico das alterações e ainda, esta-tísticas de atendimento. Para adequação do sistema escolhido às necessidades, quanto ao controle de requisições, foram realizados testes, delineamento do fluxo de informação, assim como as con-figurações necessárias para este atendimento. Ao final do trabalho, o sistema passou por uma aná-lise de interface realizada nas telas necessárias para execução da tarefa de criação de requisição. O método heurístico de avaliação foi o escolhido e o objetivo desta avaliação baseou-se na verifica-ção da capacidade do usuário da instituição de utilizar o sistema de maneira eficiente. O resultado da avaliação de interface apontou propostas de soluções e indicou que os problemas encontrados não interferiram na realização da tarefa testada,\$aAbstract: It is considered that the flow of information generated by the creation of requests, which is daily present in academic departments of educational institutions, may undergo a series of misrepresen-tations until the moment that a problem is solved and the feedback is given to the creators. Then, there is the need for regular monitoring so that communication is standardized, as well as the feedback is given to the request creators. This paper presents a research on information technolo-gy, specifically about an information system that enables streamlining and standardizing the in-ternal communication generated by the creation of requests. This communication happens among members of the management team of a public college in the city of Bragança Paulista (Fatec ¿ Faculdade de Tecnologia de Bragança Paulista), which was the basis for this research. There was a needs and goals mapping imposed to the system, followed by the search and analysis of techno-logical tools that were best suited to the needs of the institution. The results of the research indi-cate seven tecnologies that have important attributes to attend the information control. These tecnologies were divided into three categories of softwares: open source, proprietaries and devel-opment tools. Then, the data analysis was carried out. A comparison table was designed based on eighteen characteristics listed according to the needs of institution. In the category open source, the software OTRS met thirteen characteristics, in the category proprietary, software Maestro met fourteen and in the category development tools, there was a tie, because those tools assist in the personalized development and are able to create systems that can meet all those characteristics. The chosen system was the OTRS, firstly because it is the sort of technology based on Open-Source GNU license, disregarding the need for costs to its usage and also because it is available for request creations in Portuguese language. It attended well the information flow imposed by the creation of requests, it allowed the control of communication, the historical verification from across the changes and, also, the service statistics. In order to adequate the chosen system to the needs, concerning the requests control, tests were conducted, as well as information flow design-ing, and the necessary configuration for that service. In the conclusion of the research, the system was undergone through an interface evaluation proceeded in the necessary screens to carry out the task of creating a request. The heuristic evaluation method was chosen for this research and the objective of the evaluation was based on verifying the capacity for the institution user to op-erate the system in an effective way. The result of the interface evaluation pointed to solutions and indicated that the problems found did not interfere in the conduction of the tested task

Abstract: Abstract: It is considered that the flow of information generated by the creation of requests, which is daily present in academic departments of educational institutions, may undergo a series of misrepresen-tations until the moment that a problem is solved and the feedback is given to the creators. Then, there is the need for regular monitoring so that communication is standardized, as well as the feedback is given to the request creators. This paper presents a research on information technolo-gy, specifically about an information system that enables streamlining and standardizing the in-ternal communication generated by the creation of requests. This communication happens among members of the management team of a public college in the city of Bragança Paulista (Fatec ¿ Faculdade de Tecnologia de Bragança Paulista), which was the basis for this research. There was a needs and goals mapping imposed to the system, followed by the search and analysis of techno-logical tools that were best suited to the needs of the institution. The results of the research indi-cate seven tecnologies that have important attributes to attend the information control. These tecnologies were divided into three categories of softwares: open source, proprietaries and devel-opment tools. Then, the data analysis was carried out. A comparison table was designed based on eighteen characteristics listed according to the needs of institution. In the category open source, the software OTRS met thirteen characteristics, in the category proprietary, software Maestro met fourteen and in the category development tools, there was a tie, because those tools assist in the personalized development and are able to create systems that can meet all those characteristics. The chosen system was the OTRS, firstly because it is the sort of technology based on Open-Source GNU license, disregarding the need for costs to its usage and also because it is available for request creations in Portuguese language. It attended well the information flow imposed by the creation of requests, it allowed the control of communication, the historical verification from across the changes and, also, the service statistics. In order to adequate the chosen system to the needs, concerning the requests control, tests were conducted, as well as information flow design-ing, and the necessary configuration for that service. In the conclusion of the research, the system was undergone through an interface evaluation proceeded in the necessary screens to carry out the task of creating a request. The heuristic evaluation method was chosen for this research and the objective of the evaluation was based on verifying the capacity for the institution user to op-erate the system in an effective way. The result of the interface evaluation pointed to solutions and indicated that the problems found did not interfere in the conduction of the tested task,\$aAutomação,\$aMestra em Engenharia Elétrica

Referência: AZEVEDO, Viviane Ramalho de. Projeto de padronização da comunicação na administração educacional com base em tecnologia e sistema de informação. 2015. 1 recurso online (75[9] p.). Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação, Campinas, SP. Disponível em:
